Suggestions For Those Buying Electric Car Conversion Kits

Thanks to electric car conversion kits, you can make traditional cars run off electricity. You might want to do this to save money on gas and help the environment. As long as you use these guidelines to buy an electric car conversion kit, you'll be happy with the results it provides you. Compare Performance With Different Kits You'll have different electric car conversion kits to choose from when you start searching the market. Read More 

Protecting The Paint On Critical Areas Of Your Vehicle

Protecting the paint on your vehicle can significantly change the value when it is time to sell or trade the vehicle. Installing a transparent paint protection film over areas of the car that are likely to see rock chips or other damage can make a massive difference in the paint condition over time and is easy to do. Areas Of Concern Most cars and trucks receive the most paint damage on the front of the vehicle and along the car's sides. Read More